the logo of the Healig Dance Institute is symbolic of the depths below the surface and of the light, it contains the wave, the circle and the spiral sacred forms

Ineke Van Nieuwenhove

Hi lovelies! As a child I wanted to become two things: a writer and a dancer. Writing became my first profession, dancing my hobby. In 2003 I discovered yoga felt like ‘dancing my body’, giving me the right flow to write. And now I dance and write my story… in water

Water has always been my favorite element. Swimming, kayaking, snorkeling…But it was freediving which revealed why I really love water: not the fish, however beautiful they may be, but to immerse myself in the blue womb amid fractals of sunlight. To fully surround myself with this amazing element which spoke to me with love, care and joy.

In 2023 I became a Healing Dance Practitioner. In 2024 I became a Healing Dance Teacher. To be able to teach this technique to others: how wonderful!

I am also a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, YogaTherapist, Hormone Yoga teacher and Hormone coach. I followed many more trainings such as Tantsu, Lomi Lomi, Wim Hof instructor, Primal Deconditioning, Water Doula, etc.

My main mission is to inspire people to step into a loving partnership with their bodies, so they can tap into their best physical and emotional health, living their potential well into an advanced age.

Calming and balancing the nervous system might be one of the greatest challenges in these times. Fortunately, there are many tools: breathwork, yoga... and Healing Dance, where the body is given the space and freedom to deeply relax and just ‘be’. A most beautiful and profound experience.

Everyday I am grateful for the healing power of water. Water has helped me to live even MORE in flow and surrender. At the same time it is a pleasure and an honor to accompany people to a deeper connection with their bodies and themselves. This is heart work.

I love water. I love life. This amazing planet! This unpredictable human race! Forever curious about how life will unfold, whom I will meet next, where flow will bring me. Looking forward to meeting you in the water. +32479550946